
Italian Spinone

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent July 26, 2021

The Italian spinone is an ancient breed originating in Piedmont, where it is used to hunt, point and retrieve game birds in mountains, woods and marshland. During World War II it was used by partisans to track enemies and carry food.

It is a rustic, strongly built dog, square in outline with expressive eyes and a coarse coat covering its face and body in a range of colours from white to brown roan. Its plodding trot allows it to methodically hunt large areas. Placid and sedate as an adult, it can be headstrong when young and requires careful training and management. In the home the spinone is kind and patient with children and friendly towards other dogs and people. 

This all-rounder is an ideal choice for the rough shooter, able to hunt and point game in varied ground and thick cover and retrieve in water. It can also be used in the beating line or picking up at shoots.

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